Monday, May 16, 2011

If And Only If

I think…erm, after complete my food science and nutrition study…I will either be a great mother or go in the path of chinese tradisional medicine, natural therepy study ba…
iF I got the chance to do so..IF….


Smoking, not so bad…

i tried, don’t like it, still acceptable…i know it is not good...But it is so bad??
Seriously, it depends how u interpret the facts…

Smoking is a bad, unhealthy thing, I know, but it's also one of the more enjoyable pastimes for certain man…
In a passive and control way, I don’t c wrong in this…

I am NOT SUPPORTING SMOKING ..just,sometime, life, it should go on in a more easy and enjoy way

in case u misunderstood me..AHHa *Smoking is bad*provide with some side effect of smoking la..XD
A story about coffee

An Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi noticed that some of his goats after having eaten the bright red berries of a plant were prancing and dancing as though drunk. He eats the fruit himself and becomes highly caffeinated. This, says author Stewart Lee Allen

Should black as devil
Pure as an angel
Hot as hell
Sweet as love –Unknown Author…
I love coffee…deep in love with


Got to strong
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
- Mohandas Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Rose - Bette Midler

When I was little girl, there is a music box, which is not belong to me..
music box that has a glass dome on tome of it which has a rose inside.
When you wind it up, it plays this song.

The Rose--Bette Midler

Numerology!! my new discover

Compare with other metaphysical science Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry and other spiritually relevant studies ,numerology is the least known or understood, yet the most accessible. In looking to the answers to questions Numerology generates, we can find our self and the path as well…This IS what those numerologist said…not me…LOL…
But seriously it sounds interesting…let me explore more oni share with u la..
Below are some of my report….quite accurate le…

It is a time when some chronic illness may come to the surface so it can be taken care of…especially this one..haha
The Motivation (aka Soul's Urge, Heart's Desire) number describes the motive behind the decisions you make and the way you act. It is what makes you tick. It is calculated by adding up the vowels in your name.
1 is ambitious, dislikes detail, wants to lead, direct, dominate, be praised. 1 is concerned with their outer image. 1 prefers to be a loner.
Your motivation and destiny number are at odds. This means you will probably have trouble finding opportunities to express your real ideals.
Inner Self
The Inner Self (aka Personality, Appearance) number reveals what your secret dreams are made of, how the inner person within you pictures yourself (sometimes without even realizing it). It is also quite often the first impression other people obtain of you before they actually get to know you. It is calculated by adding up the consonants in your name.
4 dreams of being strong, reliable, practical, hard-working, a pillar of society upon whom all depend.
The Expression (aka Name or Destiny) number describes how you interact with other people. It tells how you best express yourself in life and where your talents lie. It is calculated by adding up all the letters in your name.
5 is a free spirit, world traveler, entertaining, pleasure-seeking, adventurous, energetic, seeker of change. 5 is all things to all people, welcomed in any crowd. 5 succeeds best at occupations that bring them into contact with other people and allow them freedom of speech and action.
Your expression and destiny numbers are at odds. This means you will have to make many adjustments and struggle to find a place for yourself.
Bla bla bla…a lot…more… go to this link la...not bad..^^numerology


Xu Zhimo was a famous poet, a miracle person
Zhimo's poems were like songs with rhythm and easy to understand.”By chance” is his well-known poems that attract me the most…deep..delicate…
He never stopped pursuing truth, beauty and freedom until he died.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Protein !!!
Ok,aku admit…
blog ths title…simply because I wanna insert the video that we make last semester…


Protein is good…so goood…very very good..super good..super duper good…
what else..?

Lady and gentlemen, for more information, kindly refer to my hyperlink of protein XD BAHAHHAHAHAH Oh to JiaSyang..terima kasih is a good videa..i guess..LOL
comment la..XD

My Cupping Experience

Because of da neuron problem(well, it gonna be a long story, make it short, I tried western medicine, but it doesn’t work). So i decided to experience some TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine.

I was so horified at the first time when Cupping was introduced to me. All over the back were bruises; red circles going down the spine. Eventhough I don’t quite understand at that time, but I know it is some sort of treatment. Here's a wee bit background of cupping:

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) cupping is a method of applying acupressure by creating a vacuum on the patient's skin. The therapy is used to dispel stagnation—stagnant blood and lymph, thereby improving qi flow—to treat respiratory diseases such as the common cold, pneumonia and bronchitis. Cupping also is used on back, neck, shoulder and other musculoskeletal conditions. Its advocates say it has other applications, as well.

I was a bit nervous for the first time, because it looked really painful from the pictures I had seen during my research, but only for the first time, now I already used with this. Honestly it not hurt at all, just felt exactly like errr… like the skin was being sucked into glass cups in a intense degree…LOL

Ok..normally the marks of cupping will stay about 1 to 2 weeks…it depend..but it just simply look like a painted dot dot to me..Hahhha…